Alert: Winter Flu & Out of Hours information

If you already received a text from us to have your flu vaccination but not had one,
please call the surgery to book your flu jab appointment.

When the surgery is closed :
If you are having a medical problem that cannot wait until the surgery is open,
please call 111 or use the online link NHS 111 Online

Home Page

Garnet Fold Practice & Southbrook Surgery

Welcome to our new surgery website

Out of Hours and Emergencies

For health information and advice, or if you need medical help fast when we are closed, call NHS 111. NHS 111 is the number to call when you need medical help fast but it’s not a life threatening emergency.

Extended Access Surgery

We provide evening and weekend appointments for you during the following times:

  • Monday to Friday, 6:30pm to 9:30pm
  • Saturdays 9am to 5pm

The Enhanced Access Team is made up of lots of different specialists, that have been specially selected to meet patients’ needs, and appointments will be booked with the most appropriate clinician, which could include a GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, Health Care Assistant, Mental Health Practitioner or Physiotherapist.

Patients will be offered the choice of both face-to-face and telephone appointments.

Patients will be able to access face-to-face appointments closer to home at Southbrook Surgery

Bank holiday appointments will no longer be provided by this service. However, should you need support from a GP on a Bank Holiday, you can still contact the out of hours service on 0161 763 8940 or the 111 service.

Practice receptionists will ensure that patients needing this service can access the available appointments. To book an appointment, patients should contact their GP practice.

Local and NHS services

The surgery works in partnership with local and NHS service providers and groups.

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Online Services

You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.

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